Celebrating the Dark as Life.

Life -DEATH – life…DEATH…is on my mind.

As I talk to more and more sisters, we are all experiencing so many deaths…but deaths that we never hardly ever talk about. We hardly ever utter a sound to another sister to let her into our world…and we feel all alone.

We have lost touch with the idea that we are cyclical creatures that pass thru so many deaths i our lifetime. That we go round and round just like the moon.

13083222_10153702675347725_5750681328075834994_nWe are not linear creatures with a finite beginning and end.

When you are always focused on the Sun – the push, push, push – you are bound to get a bit of a sunburn.

Sometimes, at least once a day, you need to enter the Dark. The Death of the Day, the absence of anything with the presence of everything. At least once a day you need to enter the compost pile and allow the work of something beyond yourself to take over.

For that is where the Birth of the New happens…in that great big pregnant void.

In a woman’s life, we have at least a few days a month where are bodies are asking us to enter the Dark. If not a few months, years or even decades as we move throughout the transitions of being woman on this planet.

In times past, this process in a woman’s body was understood, accepted and even allowed space for both the grieving and celebration as she transitioned from one to the next.

This, this Sisterhood of the Red Tent is an offering for Sisters to enter into what we innately remember within our bodies. We will both grieve and celebrate the major transitions our bodies go through every month, every day, every moment. We will bring awareness to those dark places we often don’t talk about – even in women’s circles. We will bring the feeling “And this too…yes this too is okay and part of me.”

We will come in together, to Slow Down so we can feel what is in the moment. What is pulsing. We will find our place among our Sister Trees, Brother Ravens, Father Sky and Mother Ocean. We will curl up in the embrace of Grandfather Stars and Grandmother
Dirt…in the Dirt*y Goddess Herself.

We will create rituals and ceremonies to mark our path on this journey. We will give ourselves and our little girls inside what they weren’t given the first time through…and most of all we will give ourselves a space to be fully Woman, Wombyn, or however you want to spell what we ARE, I AM.13094286_10153702675427725_910237839096256488_n

Join me my Sister, to come home to you and to the sisterhood by signing up for this momentous event here:

Can also track us on Meetup starting here: http://www.meetup.com/movementmedicine/events/230281232/

Lastly for now, please read this post as your FIRST initiation & ceremony practice around preparing yourself for this energy exchange. For everything we will do in this journey will be sacred and with intention: https://www.facebook.com/events/858606990935776/permalink/860122077450934/