Success from Failure – Creating Your Story (Free Download)

Read till the end to download to a
FREE Meditation so you can follow the Threads 
AND create your own Failure to Success story!

He sat in the back seat of my Mission Impossible car, driving up Interstate 280 towards San Francisco airport, sharing his story of how he moved from Canada to San Antonio at 17 to attend a small College.  He is one of thousands of people I have given a ride to as an Uber & Lyft driver in these past 2+ years.  There was nothing special about his appearance and demeanor, nor the fact that he is an entrepreneur – considering the area that I live in.   

Yet in our short 40-minute drive, I was convinced he was a divine appointment.  As he shared his story of how he moved here to pursue a path less traveled – he inadvertently shared the confirmation that the path to a fulfilled and connected life isn’t always the story our culture sells us:

Graduate college, get a steady job in Corporate America, climb the ladder, find a partner, settle down.  
Don’t risk, don’t venture out on your own
and by all means – don’t fail,
cause “failure is not an option”.

This man’s story was anything but our cultural story.  He didn’t share the specifics in our short ride, but what he did share stuck and inspired this entrepreneur.  It was something like this:

If you want to succeed, you need to take risks.  
Life rewards those who risk – and risk big.
If you want to build a life you are passionate about,
you have to be willing to get uncomfortable.
Failure is not only an option – it is a must!

This was so divine to hear for several reasons.
1) Years ago, I decided to relabel “failure” as “learning lessons”.
2) A personal motto of mine is “we have to get comfortable in the uncomfortableness of life if we want to grow/evolve/improve ourselves, our relationships and our world.”

It was also divine to hear because, as you know from reading my last post, I have been in a space of all but letting go of my business into the hands of the Universe – yet again.  My 5th, or more likely my 100th such action in my life.  

As an Entrepreneur, this is both an exhilarating and frustrating process.  

Exhilarating because you know there is something better waiting around the corner.  Something that will “fit” you and your soul better. 

Frustrating because you want to know, “When is it my turn?  When will all my failures pay off as learning lessons?  When will I have that ‘thing’ to offer to the world with such clarity and certainty that assists those who are ready for it – and that makes my heart skip and soul dance?”

Well, I am delighted to report that it seems that exact frustration is about to come to a close.  That as I look from this vantage point, all the “failures” truly are successes in disguise.  Here’s how the story continued to unfold:

Since that ride on Monday morning where I had virtual confirmation of the creative path of failure, the Universe has opened the floodgates and poured a huge surge of creative energy and direction into me (thank you for almost all the planets being direct now!).

In response, I decided to allow for that creative space to unfold.   In THAT space – I decide to once again look at my “Elevator pitch” to see if I could finally hone in on “what it is I do and offer.”  

From there, I allowed for some mentoring and conversation to happen.  And then…more spaciousness to walk away, shower and mull over my intentions.

While in the shower, as I mulled, a line of intent and direction for this work of Movement Medicine presented itself with such remarkable clarity in a “wham bam, thank you mam” type of way ~ that, well, I am left in complete awe, humbleness and appreciation for the creative process.  

And for the “sticktuitiveness” I have been gifted with.  (Yes, that is totally a made upword!!)

All I can say is, as I sit on the egg that is
here in the next few weeks  –
it is so worth the active waiting.

It has been worth all the work of plugging away, trying this, trying that – figuring out what didn’t work (failing)… and making my way back to the drawing board.  Sometimes with my head hanging so low, a pity party ensuing.

It has been worth risking embarrassment, money, time and energy.  Of risking being seen – and rejected.  Of risking putting myself out there – and not being seen.  Of risking not being understood or met.  Of risking ridicule, rude anonymous comments, judgment and more. (And this – mostly from just the voices in my own head.)

In short – while I know my success is still forth-coming – the Failures that have led me to where I am now – they have all been worth it!

Where I currently sit now, is priceless.  It is priceless knowing I was, have been and will continue to be faithful to the threads that have guided my story since my youth.  
The same threads that are pulling me into the present and guiding me into the future – they are all part of my story.

Here’s the secret: the threads that make my story stem from the desires of my youth!  They look something like this:
1. To be a dancer – check :-)!
2. To live in California – check
3. To use my life, my experiences to inspire others to move in their life – and to find purpose, meaning. – check
4. To create and be part of a Familly, a community that feels like home.  check, check, check

Each step of the way, whether I realized it or not, these threads, these intentions have been fueling me not just in the business world – but also personally.  They were so deeply ingrained in my psyche – since they were from my youth – that I have been automatically, subconsciously looking to create them in my adult life.  Because of this, they also seem the most palpable and real – because they were planted and went to seed before so much of life covered them up.

I share all of this because I believe that personal stories are what makes our universe tick.  They are the actual matter of our universe – not atoms and the periodic table elements.  

Stories carry with them our individual & collective unconscious energy – the power of all our sorrows & joys, pains & triumphs.  Stories contain stories within stories.  And stories, they are the messengers that show us how to overcome obstacles, find our personal truth and create new pathways that create new lives.

When we are able to share positive stories, stories that show how to show up differently than we have in the past – we rewire our Collective Consciousness.  This, in turn, rewires our entire existence, our entire society.

I hope that if you have been following my work for 1 week or 10 years, that you can see how by being faithful to the internal pull, that by following the threads of what MOOOVES me, inspires me – makes me dance – that it DOES PAY OFF.  

You might not know when, or exactly what this looks like – but please trust that it will!

If you want to take this story deeper into your consciousness and
* start feeling into the threads of your own life,
* if you are ready to start turning your failures into learning lesson success
I encourage you to do just that by listening to this audio file of a guided meditation to do exactly this.

Of course, I am always available for private sessions as well!  Even as I part ways from Cali, we can always “meet” via an online or via phone!

In parting – please be sure to check out the last few gatherings I am either teaching or hosting at!

Lastly, please stay tuned for the unfolding of the new direction of Movement Medicine, the workshop offerings and other gatherings coming to you!