6/24 Mystery School & Ecstatic Dance Theme: Home


There are many places we can feel at "home".  However, how often do you feel at "home" in your own body? Within your own walls of your physical skin; rooms of your own soul and heart?

What modalities, methods or ways have you developed for yourself to feel  at "home" in your own body?

Yoga, working, reading, being with friends, journaling, art.

There are as many modalities as there are personalities - perhaps.

What times of day, the week, month or year do you feel most at "home" in your own existence?

Are there certain thoughts or feelings that allow you to enter deeper into your own "Home"?

For me, dance was and is my primary way of reaching in and feeling at "Home" on this planet.  I talk more about this in my first of 30 days of the WILD* challenge you can see here. (*WILD= Why I Love Dancing)

How can you allow the Dance of life and Dance to help lead/guide you home - to your own body? What would this feel like? How would you move if you felt at "home" in this space?

This week, as we are dancing along on in the mystery of our life and on the dance floor, may you take a moment to pause and see what, how and when you feel most at "HOME" in your own body.