Magic Tip #130: Roll around to activate creative flow.

Yesterday I was talking with a friend about how long it took her to move from the analytical/linear side of her brain to the creative side.

1ca0aa7c241fc4b299c9f322c3f2bf24Today in my daily movement devotional practice, I remembered “the Rolling” practice that I learned from Reversing our Curse (an online immersion course with Sara Avant Stover, author of The Way of the Happy Woman).  This practice was shared by a teacher for women to help them get out of their heads and into their bodies – but as the pictures show you, this is NOT JUST FOR WOMEN.

Are you ready for this easy 3-5 minute practice you can do anytime you need to feel more in line with the flow and your creative side?

Here are a few pointers to take as you will and create YOUR OWN practice.

1) Get on the ground and ensure there is ample CLEAR space around you to move – outside on the Earth is great if you can.

2) Curl up into a ball, hugging your knees and begin to rock and roll your body all over the place.  Roll backwards, forwards, on your sides.  Rock forwards/backwards.  Do a somersault.  Do one backwards.  Keep moving for 3-5 minutes.

3) ADVANCED move: close your eyes and feel into the space that IS your body.  Feel/Listen for any thread of movement that wants to…well move!  Follow that thread.  Here is a link to my SoundCloud account with a  few awesome songs!

4) Really Advance move: set this all to music!

5) MOST Advanced move yet: allow any noises, grunts, growlings or other sounds to move up from the root of your being and out your mouth.  Go ahead – I DARE you to do this one!

Lion Cub Rollover 26) At end of 3-5 minutes, come to a seated position and just feel the energy of the movement as  the lingering feelings begin to dissipate.  Gradually bring awareness to what you just experienced and practice the sacred sound of your words to bring understanding in the verbal word to this experience.

Other tips (if you still want more):

* Allow the weight of your body and the rolling movement to massage any tired/tense spots.

* Roll onto your shoulders with feet dangling over your head, toes towards the floor and massage the neck, head.

* Let go of your knees and flop your body (safely) where it wants to go.

* Play around with tensing your muscles consciously as your roll, then releasing this tension as you roll

* Find a hill and roll down it like you did when you were a kid.

* Make up your own rules!

Other tips

Magic Tip #131: Daily Devotional Movement Practice

* Your Magical Journey: An Online Intro Class