3 Things People Great at Relationships Do Differently

Move from not-so-great to great relatinonships
What is it that people great at relationships do differently than those who do not have great relationships?

Such a GREAT question!

Today, I am going to share with you the 3 things people great at relationships do differently to get those results.

These 3 things are FOUNDATIONAL and FUNDAMENTAL skills for changing your world.

To boot ~ these 3 foundational skills are the foundation for how we interact here in the Movement Medicine Mystery School with:

  1. First ourself
  2. Second - with everyone else


Because everything in our life is based on the quality of our relationships.  When we have great relationships in any and all areas - we feel happier, more connected, seen and heard.  In turn, we have more satisfaction in our relationships.  Thus in our life.

celebrate great connectionTime and again, I have witnessed these following 3 skills in all great relationships.  Maybe they are not in this order, or this well defined.  Yet at the core of every great relationship, you will find the echo of these skills being practiced.

If you are ready to cut thru the fog and move into great relationships - you are in the right place.

These 3 skills are so fundamental that I am creating a class around it for your at-home learning library.

Hint: Make sure you are on the email list to be the first to know when this class is released!

This class will help you add simple, practical and ACTIONABLE tools to your toolbox.  So you can start deciphering what is REALLY going on in your:

  1. own inner world
  2. relationships.

So you can have the connection and feel the love you dream about in your relationships.

Without further ado, here are the easy 3 things people great at relationships do differently:1. Slow Down for great relationships

  1. SLOW DOWN: They slow down the entire connection.  They even slow down their own pace, thinking and bodies.  This allows them to create space.  To truly feel what is going on inside of them.  Then, they share from that place. No rushing, no skipping or repressing their feelings.
  2. 2. Turn Inwards for great relationshipsTURN INWARDS: People great at relationships are continually taking an internal inventory. They know them self intimately.  This allows them to relate to others from a deeper, more authentic place. They love, honor and respect themself first and foremost.They then relate from this place of inner trust. This allows them to share their wants, desires, standards and boundaries without fear or trepidation that they will be rejected, abandoned or ashamed of who they are.Furthermore, in fully accepting themself, they accept the other for who they are. They do not attempt to change, abuse or use power dynamics to get what thy want from the other. So as to not create co-dependency, manipulation nor controlling dynamics.
  3. 3. Read the body language for great relationshipsLEARN, UNDERSTAND & TUNE-INTO THE ENTIRE NON-VERBAL WORLD AVAILABLE THRU THE BODY LANGUAGE: They learn to read body language, and take full advantage of the non-verbal part of communication. They are "listening" beyond the words and actions.They read the body, and thus can understand the intent and true feelings of their partner.The science shows that those who increase their ability to understand their partner’s non-verbal cues will have a higher satisfaction in their relationships. This is even more true if the male partner does it for his female partner. Learning to decode and encode  non-verbal cues will help you feel more connected and bonded to your partner.Bottom line: non-verbal competence decreases conflict and increases relationship satisfaction.  Even with yourself.  Yes so true.  If you are able to start reading your own intuition (thru body language and more!), then you will FEEL less conflicted.  You will FEEL more connected to your inner knowing - and thus your satisfaction with your self and your life will increase!

Now if that ain't a secret worth knowing - I don't know what is?

There you have it.  How does that land with you?

It doesn't seem that hard or involved, right?


If this post resonates with you, please consider joining my mailing list.  I will be releasing the full class helping you take these words into action!

If you know of anyone that could benefit from knowing these 3 skills for healthy relationships - please share, share, share!  Then join in the action together, supporting and encouraging each other to practice these skills.

Let's create healthy relationships from the ground up - so we can create a healthier world!