Community Hangout Time & BYOCW*

Sat 2/29
2310 Elliot Ave, Nashville
(park on Elliot, walk up the hill into complex.  We are in the building straight ahead on Right)

*Bring your own coffee & waffles - or whatever you wanna eat or share with us all.

Think of this as the "After Church pot-luck" many of us are probably familiar with!

Since we dance in non-verbal spaces and often have to head out immediately - this is a chance for us to get together.    Hear each other's stories.  Build the foundation of a strong community (i.e. container) that allows our dance to go deeper - as well as feel more supported.  And heck like we have a place to belong!

Also a GREAT place to come meet us (or bring your friends) if you are new and wanna be able to talk to us first - before dancing in the dark together.  Haha!

Come with your questions, observations and ideas for our growing community space.