Embodied Coaching: How does it relate to Woman's Authority & Gender?

One of my many quirks I’ve realized about myself these last years is that I do not want to do what ever everyone else is doing just to be doing it.

Within the Church this took the form of my openness to the Holistic world of good nutrition, acupuncture, BowenWork and alternative health practices while the majority of others continue to eat mainstream foods.

Since leaving the Church this has taken the form in my resistance to jumping into Yoga as my main source of spirituality; of buying into some “evolutionary crisis” or into the belief that we are not the only ones in the universe.

This quirk is now showing up in how I want to birth my business and what labels I use for the gift I am offering to the world.  While the term “life coach” is what I obtained this summer  – I have to be honest that I still am not really sure what a “life coach” is – really.

I think that if I am a bit confused, even though I am one, others might also still be confused on the tern.  I cannot help but think a better term must exist…and that my quirk to stay clear of the popular and “jumping on the band wagon” crowd is egging me on. It has made me “wrestle” with many different labels as to what type of “coach” I am going to be, and is coaching even really the best term?

Perhaps searching my own story will give me an answer as to what to label myself.  No more then that, more then a label as to what I do, I want to share with others what they will experience.


I have an insatiable thirst to learn from the ancients.  Even with this, I do not wish to get stuck in their way of thinking.

One of many webs I have found lately around me.

I want to learn from Patriarchy, to ask questions as to why this “experiment” was conducted and what it is we have to learn from it.  I obviously do not want to get stuck here either.

With these two seemingly opposing sides, I was brought to the Grandmother medicine of the Spider – a gift I have received twice in the last 4 months – literally bitten twice by some unknown spiders who have left their marks yet not eaten away my flesh thankfully.

What is the medicine of the Spider?

It is the ability to tap into the past to weave hope and promise for the future.

From the past, I believe there is so much the ancients can share with us about the body, how to use it as a messenger and a source of poignant information for our journey through this reality.

From the present, I also believe we have learned much through science and modern technology as well that our ancestors could only guess at.

Into the future, I believe we can take all of this information and blend it together beautifully to shed a new path towards a new way of living that we as a species and a planet have not tried yet.

Finally, I believe the path starts with one woman at a time — unlocking her own authority and breaking free from the restraints of identity through gender.

When a woman learns to stop abdicating her power and self-authority to some thing or some one outside of herself, she is set free of the captivity that has strangled her – starting in the thoughts she thinks about herself.

When she learns to divorce old thought patterns created by the Inner Patriarchy – along with the hierarchy and gender roles this establishes in the soul – she will be able to divorce herself from any form of abuse.  This allows her to fully claim complete ownership and self-authority over her own life.

When she is able to divorce herself from abuse, patriarchy and binding gender roles – she can return to her body – a body becoming enlivened in a new and fascinating way…allowing messages between the brain cells in her fingers, in her gut, in her womb to freely flow to the brain cells in the skull…creating an interplay of life, death, rebirth.  Creating awe and depth…and Oneness.

When she is able to grasp the Oneness 
that is in her, in her being – 
she reclaims her birthright, 
her Divinity,
her Feminine Soul.  

The impossible becomes possible.

Practice Joy Embodied Coaching is
                Moving (back) into your body and claiming the deed to your own soul.
                             Hearing and Learning from the messenger that has been with you a lifetime.
                                A key to unlocking and expressing your deepest felt unconscious desires.
                                  A catalyst to catapult you out of your slumber into the life of your dreams.

Believe it or not, this is simply a small picture of what I believe is Practice Joy Embodied Coaching.  I cannot wait to share more with you in the coming months, either online or in person!

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If you or someone you know has been touched by abuse, please know that you are in a safe place.  Sometimes the voices of our society shame us into staying quiet, and this is exactly how domestic abuse – how all abuse continues to grow and flourish at alarming rates.  If you are ready to break the silence, please know that you are safe here with me.  Please feel free to contact me for a complimentary 30 minute Embodied Coaching experience that can help you start breaking the silence and put you in touch with the right resources to move through the abuse.  And if there is any thought about your safety (emotionally or physically) please ensure you delete your cookies and browsing history and/or call from a phone line that is secure.