Ending the Pain of PMS (1 of 4): The New Moon, Self-love and Compassion

This week we are looking at how a simple awareness of the moon phases and our own phase in our cycle can bring about some peace and sanity while starting to alleviate the Pain of PMS – whether it be physical, emotional or psychological.moon_phase

Just like the moon has 13 cycles in a year, most women have 13 cycles in a year.  Just like the moon has 4 stages (Waxing, Full, Waning, New) and each stage is correlated to a

season (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter), so does each week of the woman’s energy cycle match that of the moon and seasons

  • Spring/Waxing- Week after bleed;
  • Summer/Full Moon – Ovulation;
  • Fall/Waning – PMS week (preparation week)
  • Winter/New Moon – Bleed/death/letting go of old

In days past before modern lights and stress, the New Moon phase were the days of bleeding, when women’s flow would be flowing and they would retreat to the Red Tent for peace, rest and introspection.

You can think of the new moon energy is one symbolic of Winter.  A time to slow down, rest/sleep more, and be in/inward.  Less stimulation and more calming.  A time where you have let go of things that are no longer needed, holding onto only the core of what will help you make it through the winter.

New moon energy lasts the 3 days before it and the 3 days after (thus one whole week for this stage of the cycle).  The strongest part of the new moon energy is the day before and the day after.

This new moon in particular is in Cancer – a water sign. Symbolically water is seen as “emotions”.  Also, it is said that this new moon is a time of uncovering what stands in our way to be able to first find self-love and then to reflect that back out to the world (as the moon reflects the sun) through compassion for others.

Therefore, when we take the idea that the new moon gives us a time of shedding anything that no longer serves – and combine this with the watery sign of Cancer – I see a few questions that are wanting to be asked of us:

What emotions are standing in the way of allowing you to fully love yourself?

What emotions need to be felt, moved and shed?

How are they asking you to do this?

My prayer for you is that you can take a few minutes to a few hours starting anytime today through this weekend for  a little alone inward reflection time.

If you need help creating this time – please reach out to me here.  (You are not committing to investing in yourself with me by taking advantage of my free 30 min offer…I just care about my sisters and want to ensure they get the help they need when they are ready for it. If you decide you are ready to do more investing in you with me great – or I can help you find the right help you need!)red-tent

Note: The Power of water can be overwhelming and terrifying – becoming a flood, typhoon, tsunami or the like for many of us unschooled in our feelings and emotions.  If one does not have Strong Banks to help guide the emotions, their emotions can make one feel like they will get flooded, washed away or pulled out to sea.

With this in mind, I always encourage my mamas to start small, go slow and carefully listen to your inner voice.  Use a timer, have a coaching call with me or another professional, ask a friend to check in, or a fun activity to do after that will help pull you back up to the surface to breath for a bit and give yourself space and time to integrate what you find.

[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/qLdGMgyIo7g” width=”380″ height=”300″ autoplay=”yes”]

Want to know why you feel dirty, yucky and cursed because of your period?  Read this post.

More about this new moon in Cancer for July 2015 here.