Gender Reconciliation: The Letter (Masculine) + the Spirit (Feminine) of the Law

“The Left brain is concerned with the Letter of the law…
the Right Brain with the Spirit…”
~The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

Are these two ideas the same?  images-3

Are the bodies of the Genders the same?

Do we want them to be the same?

Do we need them to be the same?

Do we want to live in one side with exclusion to the other?

These are questions – no matter if we are in our private or public lives – we are needing to ask ourselves.

When we live too heavily in the Left/Letter of the law/Masculine side of life, – we will swim in circles of literalism, black & white thinking, and drown in shallowness.  We will be stuck in the Industrial Revolution mindset, where we become robots and actual Robots will replace us in the workplace.

When we live too heavily in the Right/Spirit of the law/Feminine side of life – we will drown in circles of dark depth, Spiritually-bypassing the physical world, not standing up for Life and those that are victimized by the Letter of the Law.  We regress to pre-history days, losing our ability to evolve to the next stage that will allow us to solve the Ecology problems the Industrial Age has left us with.

If we wish to retain a place on this Earth, the order of the day is to evolve.  Every species has faced this “crisis” or become extinct – either by their own doing or by the forces of Nature Himself.

So the question is not how do we Transcend the Letter of the Law to life
to live only in the Spirit of the Law.

The question is – how do we live in
Dynamic Balance, in Harmony
the Letter and the Spirit?

How do we use both sides of our evolved brain to create the Solutions our world now needs through our Businesses that we have created?

We need Gender Reconciliation, both literally and figuratively.  We need to recognize that we need the Other in order to survive as a species.  We need the BEING, intuition, imagination, emotions and fluidity of the Feminine/Right Brain ADDED to the DOING, processing, analyzing, manipulation of the Masculine/Left brain.

Many thousands of years ago, we did this with the foresight images-2(imagination/right brain) of burying water (action/left brain) that we by chance might need it for later times in a drought.

How are you and your company Solving the “Water” problem of this day and age – instead of creating more of a “water” problem?

How are you as an individual solving the “Water” problem of this age?


The process of creation is an interplay between BOTH sides of the brain – the Right/Spirit of the Law/Feminine + Left/Letter of the law/Masculine.  We need the UNIQUE DIFFERENCES between the “genders” in order to create effectively and “save” us from our current Eco problems.  Read more here about “gender reconciliation”.