Lone Ranger

I might as well…since it seems these days I am peeving off more and more people – which is not my heart nor my intentions – I figure I might as well keep going.  What more can I possibly lose? (This is a sarcastic question for I know I still could potentially lose a LOT more in people’s quest to shut me up.)
In all honestly, all I am hoping to do with my writings is to help educate, encourage and challenge all of us to think again about our world and how we interact with it- especially if you call yourself a disciple of Christ.  I hope to bring healing and hope to the millions of Christian women and children who suffer at the hands of not only their intimate partner or parents that are doing everything in their power to hold them down…but also the Church that seems to be on the side of the oppressor, which is really the devil himself.  I desire to bring clarity of God’s word from the original languages and context into light…and a HUGE reason why I am going to seminary so I can first educate myself.  My end all goal in all this: I hope to help the Church throw off the shackles of oppression that seem to be holding us back, releasing the Spirit to move in new, exciting and HUMUNGOUS ways… to allow this enormous workforce to go out into a hurting, sick and hopeless world and bring a message of love – THE message Christ came to give to the world.
I feel my self digressing…but I needed to put that out there so y’all know where I stand and why I am doing what I am doing.  Why I am putting myself in some very real danger…for I know there are several people that read this blog that  are analyzing everything I say – twisting my words to use against me. I have to continually ask myself that if I allow these people to affect what I write on here…these people win, the devil wins and I loses everything God has been doing in and thru me these last few months and years.  If I stop now, or alter what I say out of fear, I am no better off than where I was before…so I go forth and ask for your continued prayers of God’s protection and that He would move mightily in the hearts of all of us to bring his TRUTH to light – the truth that Christ came to die for, to set us free for…and that is for LOVE.  Not for marriages, not for institutions such as the church, not for a set of rules and standards that NONE of us can live up to…not for any other things we place before God…but for LOVE.  LOVE is a very real person made incarnate in flesh that dwelled on our planet over 2000 years ago.

I mean, I shortly after this message listened to one about Heaven and where it will really be…and realized I had totally bought into all the hype of the Left Behind series, the scary end times, the mark of the beast, tribulation and the like.  An old friend and I kept looking at the world around us and saying that Jesus is coming back real soon, y’all better get ready!  Yet, after listening to this message…I again felt like, “open mouth insert foot,”  – I really better just shut my pie hole for a while and get myself into seminary before I REALLY mess people up.  Err, nothing like a little humble pie to put one back in her place.  
So taking this concept that Scotty teaches about Heaven…and the fact this concept has been the thinking in the church for a most of its history…that those left behind are ACTUALLY the believers in Christ…I started looking at the world and saying this, 
“What if the world is not getting worse?  What if it is actually getting better?  What if, as so-called Christians, we have gotten God’s World View all wrong?  I mean I don’t see half of the evil practices that people in the bible partook in…such as child sacrifices.  I see more equality today for almost every person no matter what color or sex or language…than ever before in humanity.  I see more compassion, more empathy for our neighbor than most of history has displayed.  I see how the world pulls together when there is a major crisis such as Haiti, Africa or elsewhere.  What if God, just what if in a daily effort to bring an end to injustice, pain and suffering thru the great work men and women are doing around the globe – what if that is how His kingdom will come?”