This is a huge interesting question.  Actually, I will be devoting an entire section on my upcoming website that will be a place for all of us – women AND men alike – to begin to (re)define what is a healthy take on both the feminine and masculine.  That will a place where we will dive deep into the apparent reality that in order to become ONE – we must first understand the duality of life that exists.
While I could expand in great detail on each of these, in short, for me feminine language is centered around what our natural bodies are designed and built for: 
* To be a space of darkness for the seed to be implanted in us in this magical way that allows the birth of life to come out of that space.  
* Our bodies are made to nurture and sustain life in it’s earliest forms with the milk of life.
* Our bodies are designed intimately for the pleasure of touch and feeling in the physical form (we have more nerve endings then men, especially in the root chakra/yoni gateway).
* Women are designed to be powerful, like the water of a river or the ocean.  This water in its power can be calm and collected, moving Herself and those along gently….or She can be raging and forceful.  (IN BOTH of these instances, She still needs the Strength of the Masculine BANKS to hold allow her to freely flow to be the most resourceful.)
* Women are intimately cyclical creations, flowing with the cycle of the lunar phases and the cycles/seasons of the Mother Earth.
This is only merely the icing of the beauty of the woman’s body as it speaks to her and gives us a framework within how to speak and label our world.

Join me tomorrow to see how an example of how I apply this process in my own life!

Photo credits: The Metamorphosis Design : 2008.