Just to give a little framework, here are a few facts for the masculine side in us+:

* The human race has been around for an estimated 200,000 years – but maybe even longer.
* What researchers believe was the first representation of anything considered to be a “god” or “divine” was an image of the Great Mother…and while a quick internet search shows varying dates this image was one of the Great Mother around 25,000 BC or so.

* Between 4250 and 1750 BC.: During this time is when Old Europe started to move from nomadic, matrilineal tribes into agriculture, civilization and eventually the beginning of democracy with city-states under Grecian rule.
 ~ Creation of wealth from agriculture begins and the need for more “man” power to work the fields grows.
~ Tribes (including the matriarchs) start trading for the bottle neck – the womb – as well as to avoid inter-tribal warfare.  The start of society’s appropriation of a woman’s sexual and reproductive services begins.

~ While it is believed women were the initial traders since most early tribes were matriarchal, the role was eventually taken over by men. Several theories exist as to why and how.  This was the beginning of patriarchy, first appearing in the family unit which eventually formed archaic states (sometime in 2nd millennium).
~ Gender hugely impacted the formation of these archaic states.  Gender roles and behaviors start to be defined and expressed in values, customs, laws and social roles.
~ Marriage either begins or becomes a means of tracing lineage to the father to ensure his wealth can be passed down to his seed – as well as to enact law about his bride’s sexual and reproductive services.
~ Women’s sexual and reproductive rights become property of men, perhaps the first “private property”, and are traded in marriage for the benefit of the families.
~ As men learned they could control women in this way, they began to bring home captives whose labor included sexual and reproductive services.
~ This was the beginning of slavery as we know it.  At first, men would only take the women, killing the children and other men.  But as these men learned the mind techniques it took to enslave others, they began brining home the others as well to help work the fields and homes.
~ Humans slowly move from worshiping the Feminine with Her ability to connect ALL to One towards worshiping an all male god who assumes the physical ability to birth and give life.  The progression follows the progression from our move out of nomadic tribes towards city-states, tho lags by a few hundred years.  In doing so, the duality of the world becomes exploited and separated from Its connection to Oneness in favor of one side of life – the masculine – while shamming, suppressing and stuffing the profane reality of the feminine.
 (here is one reference for her work seems to not be well known and I am sure there is a reason why: Gerda Lerner Creation of Patriarchy)

* Between 4000 BC and 3100 BC writing starts to take shape. By 3100 Cuneiform in Sumer begins.
~ The way the academics classify “History” is by the documentation (or written) word.  I will use the term “written” versus documented, because they have found “documentation” of earlier civilizations (cave paintings, statues of faceless women, altars of grains and fruit, etc)…but all of this is called “Prehistory”. ++

* Around 2400 -2000 BC the story of Innana, the daughter of the gods,  is written down.  This is our earliest written story of any god or goddess.  Innana was related to Gilgamesh.  Here is her story:

Innana’s beginnings start in a garden with a tree, she grows in statute as she gains the wisdom and knowledge of who she is – a goddess.  Eventually she desires to know the depths of the human life and ends up traveling to the Underworld  (believed to be in the mountain during those days) where her Dark Sister resides.  Here she is killed and stays for 3 days and 3 nights. She is resurrected, but for her to leave, she must find a suitable substitute to take her place – which becomes her husband Dummuzi (Tammuz in the Bible), who strikes a deal and only has to stay in the Underworld half of the year so he can spend the other half with his wife.  Once she is again walking the earth, she rightfully claims her place as the Sumerians Queen of Heaven and Earth, having been resurrected from death. The story of Dummuzi becomes the Sumerians explanation of the seasons, with his return to Earth being the return of Innana to her full fertility and bounty – the Spring and Summer.

* By 1750 BC, civilization was well on its way and the structure for it – Patriarchy is firmly cemented into being – as seen by Hammurabic law.
~ The Ancient Near East (Greek, Mesopotamia, etc.) continues to remove the Goddess worship through their myths and religious texts by demoting goddesses to princesses of Kings, showing how women are “evil” or “distractions” to the men who seek to rule the world, and how the feminine needs to be rescued by the masculine – an idea that will continue to be seeded in Western thought so firmly that it becomes harder and harder to imagine any other way for men and women to relate to each other.  
~The idea of “sin” has now started to enter the texts of these Ancient writers.  This is not an idea that is seen before in earlier writings that centered around the Goddess, the Goddess and her Consort or the presence of a strong Goddess mixed with the God.
~ The idea that the roles/beliefs/principles/bodily functions/etc. associated with men and the masculine are of more value and worth then the roles/beliefs/principles/bodily functions/etc. associated with women and the feminine starts to gain ground, dividing the connection of duality even more and making way for the story of Womankind to be blamed for the fall of Man.
~ For some reason, the Island of Crete was one of the last standing strongholds for the Feminine side of life, but even She eventually falls suit to patriarchal thought.

* 597 BC – Jewish Captivity in Babylon begins

* 450 BC: While many in the Evangelical world will tell you that Moses wrote the first 5 books of the bible around 1500 BC, most of the academic scholars who spend their lifetime researching this now believe that the EARLIEST written documents were compile around  450 BC (by combining 4 different and distinct sources), long after the supposed time Moses+++ had lived and died.  The scholars (and I believe Jews as well) believe the Jewish scriptures were compiled by Rabbis during their captivity in Persia (Babylon) under the threat of assimilation into the Persian culture. Having their own scriptures and “history” – even one that mimicked the stories of the surrounding area with slight differences that could be used to prove their god was the right god – written down could help save them from this threat, giving them an identity of their own.

~ Somewhere around this time, the Ancient Near East religions make a final push to completely separate women and men from worshiping the Feminine through methods such as indoctrination, force, shaming, etc.

* 384- 322 Aristotle’s life span.  Aristotle wrote philosophy that supported the right of some men to rule over others (i.e. to justify slavery) using the “natural” law that the soul was made to rule over the body, just like men are made to rule over women.  While the debate continued about the justification of slavery of women right up until the Civil War in our own country, it would be almost 2000 years before anyone would begin a debate over questioning the thought about the “natural” law of women being less human then men.

* 168 BC – Roman’s military might starts to conquer Greece, yet Greek culture and thought would continue to triumph

* 7-3 BC – Jesus the historical man is bon. Some say that between his 12th year when he appeared in Jerusalem and the start of his ministry that he traveled to Asia.

* 26-36 AD – Ministry and death of a man named Jesus

* 40 AD the first and earliest date proposed for the Gospel of Thomas – a book that contains many if not all of the sayings of Jesus that are used in the Canonized Gospels

* 70 AD time attributed to the Gospel of Mark

* 70- 110 AD time attributed to the Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Luke and John

+ I am purposefully choosing not to reference my facts here, betting that you my reader are educated enough to NOT take my word on all this as the authority in dating, but to do your own research just like I ended up having to do.  I did not do this for my first 15 years in the Church, and this led me to believe things that were simply not true facts from the data.
++ This label “Written history” really does a disservice to our humanness making us think that everything prior to history is really just a fore thought, something that really didn’t matter to our existence.  I will address the use of labels later on in this series.
+++ I did not include Moses or any of the Patriarchs of the Bible on here because the fact is many now-a-days have reason to doubt he was a real man instead of a powerful mythological figure, perhaps created from a real man as many mythological figures are.

After further thought and a discussion, I am adding references, yet I still encourage you to read for yourself.  Experience is the best teacher – not me:
My sources were the following: the Creation of Patriarchy & the Creation of Feminist Consciousness -Gerda Lerner; Wikipedia; The Living Goddess (Marija Gimbutas, edited by Miriam Robbins Dexter); The Dance of a Dissident Daughter by Sue Monk Kidd….Healing Wise by Susan S. Weed.  For some of the Christian references there is the book 

Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity by David Felton.