I ❤️ love 💃🏿 dancing! How about you?

Okay we all know #zumba @zumba have taken the world by storm. Why?!?

Because dance is awesome. For at least 30 reasons I can think of.

Here’s the thang: #freeform Dance in #Conscious dance settings are the next zumba - and then some.

“Wait -WTFudge? What is consciois dancing?” you ask.

So so glad you asked!

Cause I am going to answer this over on #facebook at Movement Medicine for my LIVE 30 day #challenge (to myself): 30+ Reasons why I love dancing on Conscious Dance floors!

I will be speaking about:
* What is Conscious Dance?
* What makes it “Conscious”?
* What the heck would you even wear to something like this?
* And so much more

I will also be hosting interviews, gettin other peeps reasons AND even touch in on how dance and #community / #societal #stability go hand in hand.

Y’all this is going to be epic!

Mark your calendars, Join Movement Medicine and get ready to dance yourself into a whole new world! And maybe even body. Or community...or at least have some crazy amounts of fun. More than you EVER thot possible sober! (Cause truth be told you can get HIGH dancing in these spaces. Listen in to hear why!)

June 24-July 23
Every day
12 pm CST
Movement Medicine on Facebook

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