Unconditional Love Is Ability to Let Go

Unconditional love

#UnconditionalLove is the ability to “#LetGo” at any moment in time, at any space in time.

Unconditional #love is not getting all wrapped up in the emotional tug-of-war.

It is not demanding that someone stays because you “love” them so much, you need them unconditionally, or that you would fall apart if they left you.

It is not requiring that you have some special right to their attention, their affection ~ their anything.

Unconditional Love is the ability to “Choose to give the Other Space” so they can #CHOOSE what they need for themself.

So they can LISTEN to their own wisdom, intuition and body language as they seek to grow to their greatest good Self.

And trusting that in doing so - you will choose to also listen to your own #wisdom, #intuition and #bodylanguage - seeking to grow to your greatest good Self.


Body Language Skills for Healthy Relating

“In the stillness, keep movement and chaos alive in you…”
~ ShaktiChrist