If you are leaving a Toxic Relationship for a Healthy One, you are in the right place!

Be sure to check out the blog to educate yourself more on what ain't working with "Leaving Toxic Relationships"...and then retrain your hardware by learning what is healthy in "Skills, Tips & Tools".


toxic vs. healthyConsidering leaving a toxic relationship for a healthy one is a BIG step.

However, if you are experiencing any of the following, you are in the right place to get tools, skills and support to help you in this move.

  • Feeling isolated and lonely. Even though you might be surrounded by people, even an intimate partner - and are "connected" all the time through social media.
  • Feeling hopeless and lost, as if you cannot find your way out of a maze no matter how hard you try.
  • Find it hard to find joy and pleasure in life anymore, or ever.
  • Fear of being rejected by others if you speak up about your true feelings, thoughts and ideas.
  • Riddled with anxiety so bad at times that you cannot sleep or concentrate on your life, or others.

These are all signs of disconnection.  Of being disconnected from your own self including your body, emotions and soul.

Being Disconnected Can Result From a Number of Reasons

These reasons include, but are not limited to:

  • All sorts of childhood traumas (abuse, neglect, abandonment, sexual violation, divorce, the death of a loved one)
  • From being "over-connected" via social media outlets
  • Finding yourself and/or staying in co-dependent, abusive, unhealthy or otherwise toxic relationships (including professional and personal, not just intimate)


If you recognize yourself in any of this ~ all I have to say is #MeToo.#metoo movement

I have been there and know what it is like in all these situations.  I see you, feel you and know what you are struggling with and going through.

Nonetheless - please let me share with you there is hope.  So much hope!

This is where I want to take the current #MeToo movement and turn it into one of power and empowerment.  A movement that shows we - as women, as men and as a culture - are leaving toxic relationships for healthy ones for good...and with a plan!

Let us turn this movement into one of power and unity for positive change to rid our lives and our world of toxic relationships once and for all.

The power and unity of this movement come from:
  • Knowing we are not alone.  Though we honor we each need to do our individual work to make the change we wish to see.
  • Helping us join forces with an action plan to change ourselves first - and thus change the culture around us.
  • Learning a NEW way to understand and identify toxic relationships - and how to safely and effectively remove ourselves from them
  • Learning what healthy relationships feel and look like!


In my journey of leaving a toxic relationship for a healthy one, I have discovered a lot of what not to do.  Thankfully, I have also discovered a lot of powerful tools and skills that have pushed me over the edge, allowing me to finally leave toxic relationships for healthy ones.

Therefore, I want to save you the pain and lost time of those mistakes by showing you a new way.  A way that by-passes the logical, rational world of dealing with toxic relationships that often just leads to more crazy-making.


By learning the universal language of the Body.

See, there is actual science of Body Language  - which allows us to create tools, tips and skills I can teach you that will help you be able to consciously:

  • Decode the other's true intent behind their words and actions -so as to STOP the crazy-making, abusive cycle!
  • Move into more empowered states of being - not allowing direct or subtle messages of shame, guilt and blame define you any longer
  • Know what your own intuition is saying to you about this situation - and TRUST it

And so much more.

Along the way, you will also learn or relearn what true healthy relating looks like - so you can begin to set your sights on finding those people who will meet you in a new way of relating.


Creating SafetyIf you are ready to take back your power by leaving a toxic relationship for a healthy one - then you are ready to learn how to live fully connected!   Fully connected to your dreams, your purpose and HEALTHY relationships.

If you say yes to this - then you are ready to get into the Movement MEdicine with my FREE GIFT TO YOU.

In this FREE Sneak Peak of the upcoming e-course "Exploring Safe Connection in the #MeToo Age"

  • Hear 3 steps to take today to step into healthier connections.
  • Gain insight, tools and tips to start living more fully connected to every aspect of your life.
  • Receive a discount code for when the full course is unveiled.


Furthermore, by joining our Movement Medicine Community, you will be in the know about:
  • Innovate, fun and scientifically-backed tools you can apply to your life to make change NOW
  • New online and in-person classes and workshops - and receive discounts!
  • Gain tips and insights, while reading about the Social Movement Movement Medicine is creating in the world


Lastly, because creating more safety and safe relationships in the world is a top priority of mine - I invite you to read this post about how you can begin to create safety in your world.  Consider it another free gift to you - packed full of powerful, life-changing information and skills you can apply to your life today - so you can get going on leaving a toxic relationship for a healthy one now!

Read this post here.