Movement Med Dance Jan 22nd: Disconnect to Connect

Theme for the week: “Disconnect to Connect”
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Meetup invite

Social connection. It’s all the buzz in these parts. Yet how much connection are we really making? We gather many friends, invites, groups, causes. We are “connected” via computer, phone, iPad, Tablet, iWatch, FaceTime – and yet how much time do we actually spend really connecting with another Soul? We can be entertained in a million different ways now-a-days, but how often do we quiet all that buzz and Connect with our Self, our Body?

The Dance floor created on Sunday mornings is a space for just this. A place to leave all mobile devices and voices in your head at the door so you can drop in to use that “ancient” technology of the….Body. So you can disconnect from the buzz that lives all around us – and Connect with the buzz that is in us and among us.

Hope we get to share a dance!