Conscious Apathy, The Election and America’s BIG Lesson in Death…

Here is my BIG secret that I shared with a few of my Uber riders, and fewer friends…

I CONSCIOUSLY did not give my energy, time or deep thoughts to this election – until now.

Neither did I vote.

I will pause to allow you to curse me now before I go on.


Okay – now that you got that out of your system I can explain how this happened.

* At this point in my life, I have spent time on BOTH sides of the fence. I was even (oh goodness) a Tea Partier when Obama was up for election the first time. Yup, I was on the side that thought he could possibly be connected to the AntiChrist…and for sure that he was the downfall of our country. I voted for him the 2nd time around just cause I could and cause I was disillusioned with the Right Wing Evangelicals I used to once be.
* I was a Bernie fan…until I found out he was pro-vaccines. Not only do I feel it is inhumane to demand others to inject things in their bodies that might or might not cause more long term harm than good…I have spent 50+ hours researching vaccines and understand the Money wrapped up in them. If Bernie was pro-vaccines – even being as “level headed and committed to uncovering corruption” as many in my current community promised me – I was pretty sure he wasn’t as clean as we took him to be. I even tried to reach out to the campaign to ask questions…and received no response.
* When I found out Bernie was pro-vaccine, and having known the Republican party and having been a fan of Trump when he had his NBC show – it finally made sense on how Bernie was able to do so well in the primary: He was most likely a ploy to help Trump win. At least it is a fun story now seeing how things panned out. Is is the truth? Who knows.
* No Matter What: Either way you look at it, Bernie’s presence helped dissilliousion the Left. I didn’t listen to Trump’s speech – but I am sure Bernie’s presence helped Trump rally what the media is now calling the “White Supremacists” that are still left in this world. I of course cannot prove any of this…just going off good hunches and putting the pieces together.
* When it came down to 2 candidates, neither of which I would vote for with my energy, time or vote….I remembered something I had read when I had been super duper into studying governments:
Apathy is the Last stage of any country before its downfall.
If this is so – then why don’t we start using it consciously as the VOICE to speak up and say enough is enough.

At this point (sometime back in May or June), I actually would rather have Trump in office because I felt he would be such a wake up call to the rest of America that our system is done, broken, ready to kick it. That he would be the fastest way to where we are already headed. Maybe the most painful…but at least the fastest. Which means we can start recovering faster!

America’s BIG lesson in Death…

So, here is what energy and message I wish to convey the day after the Disillusionment (which by the way is ALL written in the Stars right now :-):

Take Heart. We are right where we need to be at this point in time.
We are in the GREAT LESSON OF DEATH in America…
….and if we stop resisting it and instead FLOW with it…great things will become for ALL OF US!

Death and it’s many lessons have been nay-nayed for eons by the Western culture that tries to sustain life – at least the life they deem worthy – at ALL costs.

Yet sustaining some human life at all costs has come at a price to the rest of the world. As we are seeing. And it is not even really human life at this point they are sustaining – but the inanimate Consumerism Economy with all it’s products.

Since we have resisted as a culture and society the message of Death for so long…It seems we have just manifested a great lesson for ourselves to learn from. At least this is the way I am reading the story from a nicely removed and detached perspective on November 9th.

Yes, it is uber duper painful to see that man’s face and ridiculous smile plastered all over the place – and to think it will be even more so for the next four years. But remember my friend’s write up about Trump and his “Sexual Power” (which sexual energy is All that there is when you boil it down): HE is NOT Powerful. He is simply living off our displaced power we give him. I would have said the same about Hillary.

Here’s the bottom line: If we stop giving him – and all those political peeps – our attention, energy, time and money – then they cannot feed off OUR POWER…and we will see that they are not powerful at all.

Don’t even give them the satisfaction of our negative energy – cause that is some darn powerful energy as well. Simply wish them well…and then pull your energy back in and focus on what you are doing in your life.

Are you raising kids? – then raise them.

Are you raising food? – then raise it.

Are you creating community? – then create it.

Are you living a kind life? then live it.

Whatever you do, simply realize that we ALL Know (at least those of you reading these words) that our system is broken. Instead of feeding it the energy of complaints and anger and daggers – let it go and let’s focus our energy on how and what we need to create for us LOCALLY here, in this space, in this time with our energy.

For once enough of us do this – once enough of us pull our energy out from out there and DIRECT it into our own lives HERE – these souls will have no more energy to feed off of and they will have their own reckoning day. And our American system will naturally fall away into something else…with no bloodshed, no drama and no more fights.

PEACE Be to you my friends.

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